Views of our site, the last day of work for the year according to Ando Hazama’s notice board.
The concrete work for liquefied soil appears to be completed and the work being done now is the demolition of the basements, probably just B1 at this stage.
The staircase that led down to the basements from the ground floor of the TMC building is visible.
The large hole is under what was B1 of Mori-Masonic 38, this would not have the blue lodge or Scottish Rite halls, which went straight down to B2.
A number of other holes have been drilled down. The garden and Mori-Masonic 39 are still intact.
I took photos from the main deck of Tokyo Tower for the first time in several months. The photos taken on the ground level by telephoto lens from the street, and not inside the construction site, which I would never enter.